Sunday, October 14, 2012

No weight loss or regular exercise in many months; I could use the excuse that I had kidney stones, pleurisy and now gout butI also can't seem to find the drive to do anything either.

Oh well, the delightful husband hauled my fat arse off to Labrador, New Foundland, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to see some sights I have always wanted to see!  We enjoyed our time away from the rat race.

The picture above is the ground in Labrador, just outside of Churchill Falls.  It is just so pretty, it makes me smile.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fat Called!

Ironically as I was posting this, a news feed on FB posted titled "Fat Called: What's up Big Girl" popped up.  How about that?!?!?  Time to get to doing something better than what's going on now! This I do not want but a toned healthy body, size doesn't matter.


It is really time for me to get with the program.  My diet is killing me, literally.  I have been considering a date for change.  Sugar really needs to get cut out of my diet.  It is very addicting.  I will use September 1 as the catalyst for change.  I am worth it!  I want to feel good all of the time and exercise daily.  The Weight Watcher guidelines are really excellent for daily living.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Life is Good!

Two years ago, I never would have believed it possible to feel well again, but I do!  Mentally, emotionally and physically, I feel good. 

I am beginning to take an interest in doing things like cleaning which I used to enjoy but was too tired to do much of it.  There is a lot of that to keep me busy.

My size doesn't bother me.  My goal is to be fit.  Daily exercise will help with this goal. 

"When an illness knocks you on your ass, you should stay down and relax for a while before trying to get back up."

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Coming to terms with being a happy fat chick~

It has taken a long time for me to be able to state that I am happy as a fat chick.  I can't entirely blame what I was before it on cancer, Graves disease, or anything else.  It has been a long hard road,  a lot of fall out and things I wish I could undo.  Oh well, time to pick up and move on to the new me.

The new me is not so bad compared to the crazed Graves lunatic I was for such a long time.  The new me is calm and nice, concerned about other's people's feelings, even the husband's.  Imagine that!

The poor husband, I will get into to that soon.  There's only so much one person can endure.  I am sure we were very close to finding what his limit was.  I am not entirely sure he is always happy but I am going to make an effort to spend some time on that.

Coming to terms with life as it is now.